Photo of a Mural in Ruskin, FL.

Ruskin History

Sunday, November 17, 2019, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Location: Firehouse Cultural Center

Event type: Lectures

Local Historian Mac Miller presents:
Local History You Can See, a Slide-Show
Free (and well worth it!)

Dickman House

What earlier images lie behind the buildings we see now?
Come to discover Ruskin in the 1900’s, and to share your memories of an earlier SouthShore.

Photo of L.L. Dickman House, now RCMA offices.

Join us for an informative and entertaining lecture on the History of Ruskin, Florida. From 1906 when his grandfather, Dr. George Miller and his three brothers-in-law, A.P. Dickman, N.E. Dickman and L.L. Dickman, moved from Missouri; transformed thousands of acres of swamp, scrub and forest into a thriving agricultural community named in honor of English essayist and social philosopher John Ruskin, who believed in free education for individuals among the working classes. The Ruskin Post Office opened in 1908, and in 1910 the town was officially platted by the Ruskin Commongood Society as a cooperative “intentional community.”

Tuition: FREE Reservations recommended.


Online bookings are closed for this event.