Photo of Pottery and Pottery Instructor.

Pottery 3 T’s Workshop: Throwing Taller, Technique & Texture

Friday, October 29, 2021 – Saturday, October 30, 2021

Location: Firehouse Cultural Center

Event type: Workshops & Classes

Friday, Oct. 29 and Saturday, Oct. 30
Choose one day or both days.

Instructor is Jonathan Stein.

This 2 day workshop provides demonstration, guided hands-on-experience and a wealth of knowledge. Jonathan Stein will cover start to finish. He will answer glaze and firing questions, and so much more!

Day 1: This is a ½ day workshop in small group. You’ll learn the intricacies of the potter’s wheel to provide you with greater confidence and control when throwing. The creation of larger and more complex forms will be discussed, as well the technical challenges associated with drying and firing work. Students will learn through a variety of demonstrations and guided hands-on to experience new skills.

Day 2: Jonathan will show you how he creates large vessels to be used in combination with wheel-thrown and hand-built forms made from clay. Learn handles and textures to allow hand builders and wheel throwing to create better form for function or embellishment. Demonstrations will provide students a variety of techniques and options.

Instructor: Jonathan Stein Jonathan found clay and the potter’s wheel at fifteen and has never looked back. Before completing his BFA at Northern Kentucky University (NKU) he traveled to Japan to study the firing kilns with wood. After receiving his degree, he worked with artists with developmental disabilities. To further his understanding of atmospheric firing, Jonathan was led to Utah State University where he completed his MFA. Teaching at State University of New York (SNYU) & The Smithy and artist residencies have allowed Jonathan to travel throughout the country. Currently he is the education director at Queen City Clay in Cincinnati Ohio while maintaining an active studio practice.

Choose one day or both days.
Fri. Oct. 29 Day 1: Choose Morning (AM) Session OR Afternoon (PM) Session

Morning (AM) Session is 9am – 12pm, Afternoon (PM) is Session 1pm – 4pm

Sat. Oct. 30 Day 2

Session is 9am – 3pm all day.

Tuition: Fri. Oct. 29 Day 1 Fee: $95 Members, $125 Future Members

Choose Morning (AM) OR Afternoon (PM) session limited size

Tuition: Sat. Oct. 30, Day 2 Fee: $95 Members, $125 Future Members
Attend Both Days & Save: $220 Future Members $155 Members
Limited Class Size CALL 813-645-7651 to register, or book online below.

Become a FCC Member and SAVE!


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