Head shot photos of panelists for the Inside Journalism Series.

Political Realities: Inside Journalism Series

Tuesday, January 7, 2020, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Location: Firehouse Cultural Center

Event type: Lectures

The Inside Journalism series returns with a topic reflecting today’s turbulent political climate. Who can be trusted; who tells the truth? Is there really bias toward one party over another? What role do the media play in tipping the scales toward a candidate? And, from the other side, what is it like to be a candidate trying to get your message across?
Join us for this stimulating moderated discussion featuring a panel of experienced journalists and an elected office holder, followed by the opportunity to address the panel directly.

Moderator: Pamela Varkony, is a writer and speaker who has inspired audiences from America to Australia through her passion for improving the lives of others. Her insights on life, leadership, politics, and the human condition are read and heard across four continents. She has won numerous awards for her work and humanitarian efforts, including being named a Pearl S. Buck International Women of Influence.

Brian Burns serves as the Publisher for The South Shore Magazine located in Apollo Beach Florida. Prior to creating The South Shore Magazine, Mr. Burns served as publisher at The Ledger and The Tampa Tribune. He has also worked in advanced technologies such as Augmented Reality and Proximity Marketing. Mr. Burns serves on several Chamber Boards and Advisory committees throughout the Tampa region.

Kimberly C. Moore is an investigative and education reporter at The Ledger in Lakeland. She spent time as an anchor and reporter in Israel during the first Gulf War, covered the U.S. Congress and The White House during the Bush/Clinton administrations, along with the contested 2000 Presidential Election in Tallahassee and multiple space shuttle launches. Ms. Moore has earned numerous journalism awards throughout her career.

Amy Hollyfield is the senior deputy editor of news for the Tampa Bay Times, overseeing all news coverage: Crime. Traffic. Education. Health Care. Politics. Business. She has worked at the Times for more than 20 years beginning as an intern in the sports dept. Her heart is in political coverage, where she has led reporters through three presidential elections, and worked as a reporter and editor for PolitiFact.com.

Doug Belden
was elected Hillsborough County Tax Collector in November 1998. During his tenure he has saved taxpayer dollars through consolidation and efficiency, while improving service for the public. Under his leadership his office has received numerous awards for innovation and efficiency. Doug brought public and private sector business experience to the Tax Collector’s office, having worked as a real estate developer in Tampa for 12 years.

Tuition: FREE – Space is limited –Registration Recommended

Pamela Varkony – Moderator

Brian Burns – Panelist

Kimberly C. Moore – Panelist

Amy Hollyfield – Panelist

Doug Belden – Panelist

This Event is free, but registration must be made in advance.

Space is limited.
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