Introduction to Coding Workshop
Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Firehouse Cultural Center
Event type: Workshops & Classes
USF Mechanical Engineering graduate Riley Trumble will be teaching students to assemble circuits and simple coding (programming) to make a tiny computer, an “Arduino Micro Controller”, do simple things with light and sound.
This class, combining electronic circuits and coding, will be the first in a series of more advanced classes, exploring more advanced projects!
Electronic Starter Kit, with an Arduino Micro Controller, and instruction book with 11 different projects, for students to do at home. is included.
Wednesdays – 6:00 – 8:30pm
5 Sessions: April 29 – May 27
Tuition: $120
Ages: 10 – 18
Scholarships are available and based on need
Online bookings are closed for this event.