Mini-Maestro Family Concert: Woodwinds
Saturday, September 28, 2013, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Firehouse Cultural Center
Event type: Family Concerts
One of five Saturday Matinee Family Concerts by Southshore Symphony Orchestra Ensembles, this one will feature the woodwinds.
Enjoy a musical journey of discovery, imagination and inspiration. It’s creative and educational with lots of hands-on fun with live music.
This series is geared toward families with children 3 to 12 years old, but is open to everyone.
Reservations & information: 813-645-7651
$10 adult; $5 children; children 3 and under are free.
Concerts last 45 – 60 minutes. Space is limited. Reservations recommended.
Special Offer: 4 concerts for the price of 3 for Mini-Maestro Concerts booked in advance (excluding Dec. 7 Holiday Concert).
A beautiful and informal way to introduce children (and adults!) to music.