We rely on the support of the community to help sustain our programming and fulfill our mission.
The Firehouse Cultural Center is a 501c3 non-profit, tax-deductible organization.
One-time Donation
Make a tax-deductible donation through PayPal.
Sustainer Donation
Monthly donations, in any amount you choose, automatically paid from your credit card or bank account.
Memorial Gift
Celebrate the life of friends or loved ones by making a donation in their memory. Acknowledgement cards will be sent to the next of kin to let them know of your gift.
Download a Memorial Gift Form or call 813-645-7651.
Planned Giving
Help create a legacy. Planned gifts made through a will, trust or annuity support the Firehouse Cultural Center’s programs and secure its future.
For information call 813-645-7651.
Corporate Sponsorship
Organizations and companies can support the Firehouse through corporate sponsorships, including program underwriting and on-air underwriting of FCC Community Radio Station WPHX.
For information call 813-645-7651.
Gifts of Stock
Gifts of stock can fund free community programs, or can be earmarked for specific Cultural Center capital improvements like an outdoor classroom, kiln room, etc.
For information call 813-645-7651.
PayPal Giving Fund ensures that 100% of your donation reaches the Firehouse with no fees deducted, when you donate through the Fund. PayPal Giving Fund certifies that all nonprofit participants are tax-deductible and meet high standards. After you donate you’ll get a tax receipt by email. Login any time to see all your PayPal Giving Fund donations.
eBay for Charity is a win-win for sellers and the Firehouse! When you sell things on eBay, you can select the Firehouse Cultural Center as your charity, and choose a percentage of each sale to donate to the Firehouse, from 10% to 100%. Your sale items will be highlighted with an eBay for Charity ribbon. Listings that benefit charity sell faster and for a higher price. All donations are tax deductible.